- 3-4 lb bottom round roast
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 large onion
- 1 1/3 cup water
- 8oz can tomato sauce
- 1/3 cup red wine vinegar
- 2 ½ tsp instant bouillon
- ¼ tsp allspice
- ½ tsp Mom Mom Spice Original
- 1 bay leaf
- 12 ginger snaps crushed
Brown roast on all sides in a pot with hot oil. Drain fat and add onion. Leave roast in pot and add onion. Cook until onion is tender. In a owl combine water, tomato sauce, vinegar, bouillon, Mom Mom Spice, allspice, bay leaf. Pour over roast. Bring to boil, reduce and simmer 1 ¾ – 2 ¾ hours until meat is tender. Remove meat and bay leaf. Remover floating fat with a shallow spoon, stir in ginger snaps and stir until thickened. Slice meat and serve in a baking dish. Cover with sauce and serve