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Bless us oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive, From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen

Bless us oh Lord, and these thy gifts which we are about to receive, From thy bounty through Christ our Lord, Amen

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Mom Mom Spice - logo

Mom Mom’s Leftover Soup


Tough one to re-create, or document because the ingredients were never the same. Whatever the protein (excluding fish. We didn’t eat too much seafood. It was too expensive to feed a family of 10)beef, chicken or turkey ended up in a pot of water with a bay leaf, oregano, parsley, Mom Mom Spice Original, and whatever veggies were in the refrigerator.  Once the broth was made (Google how to make broth) she added the veggies and cooked until tender. Mom Mom spice Original to taste. Occasionally she would add pasta (ditalini) or rice to stretch it out and make sure Pop was full! Served with bread and “buttah” of course!